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    By submitting your email, you accept the Terms and Privacy Policy.
    Your personal data, i.e. name, surname and contact details will be processes by Aon sp. z o.o. (the controller), address: Al. Jerozolimskie 96, 00-807 Warszawa. Controller is the legal entity which decides what for and how your personal data is processed.
    Providing your personal data is neither statutory nor contractual obligation, however failure to provide it makes impossible answering your request.You can reach the data protection officer via e-mail at: privacy@aon.com or mateusz.gedzba@aon.com
    Your personal data is processed to handle your request and to provide you with the answer. The legal basis for processing of your personal data is Article 6.1.b GDPR (contract). You have right to request access, rectification your data or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning as well as the right to data portability. You can lodge a complaint with Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych (Polish regulator). Recipients of your personal data are employees or associates of Aon sp. z o.o. and the companies which belong to Aon Group. Some of these companies are established in European Economic Area (so called EEA) and some of them are established out of it. Whenever we transfer your data out of EEA we do it in compliance with the provisions of GDPR (we use standard contractual clauses). Your personal data will be stored as long as it is necessary to answer your request.
    We do not apply any automated decision-making in the case described above.

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